1 doktorand i Biology


Global change and Animal movements ? Towards a socio-ecological predictive framework

Project Background
Global change encompasses environmental, social, economic and demographic changes on planet earth. Animals are an important component of the natural world due to their crucial ecological, social, and economic role in ecosystems. Global changes driven by resource extraction, energy and infrastructure development, climate change and urbanization are dramatically affecting animal populations and their movements resulting in challenges for management, driving human wildlife conflicts as well as hindering the sustainable development and use of natural resources. In such transformed landscapes, the vital questions are, olsquo;howorsquo;, olsquo;whereorsquo;, olsquo;whenorsquo; and olsquo;whyorsquo; do animals move and how do these altered movements transform the landscapes as well as human societies (ecologically, socially and economically) that depend upon these animals? Moreover, how can we better predict animal movements under olsquo;multiuse-landscapeorsquo; and olsquo;climate changeorsquo; scenarios? Using case studies of two large mammal species (reindeer and moose) that are ecologically, socially and economically important in the northern/arctic ecosystem, the project aims to answer these questions. The goal is to develop a socio-ecological movement modelling approach that goes beyond correlative or species distribution models and provides a predictive tool that can be used in developing diverse future land use scenarios, developed with and for community users and geared toward adaptation strategies in a changing world.

The PhD position will be part of the Research Centre of Excellence Resources, Extractive Industries and Sustainable Arctic Communities (REXSAC), financed by NORDFORSK (the Nordic research board).

Kvalifikationer: We seek a candidate with a strong quantitative and modelling background in ecology, advanced skills in statistics and data analyses are almost essential as vast amount of data is already collected. A master degree in quantitative ecology or biology is desirable, or otherwise, those with a master in general ecology or biology may also apply and demonstrate their quantitative abilities. The candidate should be able to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment, and have a good level of autonomy and creativity. A good knowledge of spoken English and writing skills are essential. Knowledge of Swedish and/or Sami is a plus. The expected start of the position is 1st October 2016. The place of work will be the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, with occasional trips to the field site in northern Sweden.


  • Arbetsplats: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Uppsala
  • 1 plats
  • 6 månader eller längre
  • Heltid
  • Månatlig löneutbetalning
  • Heltidsanställning. Anställning som doktorand i 4 år. (SLU är en arbetsplats där mångfald och jämn könsfördelning eftersträvas.)
  • Publicerat: 23 juni 2016

Liknande jobb

20 december 2024

20 december 2024