1 doktorand i Chemistry/Biology


PhD position in wood biology and material science with focus on nanocellulose
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student to join an interdisciplinary team working on a newly financed project called olsquo;Nanowoodorsquo;. Nanowood aims to combine wood biology and material science. You will develop new nanocellulose processing and analysis methods, and unravel genetic mechanisms responsible for structural and chemical wood properties influencing nanocellulose production. The applied goal is to make the domestic wood biomass better suited for nanocellulose production. Nanocellulosic materials have become highly interesting for replacement of non-renewable materials in a large variety of applications. Cellulose nanofibrils have unique mechanical properties, they can form strong and transparent networks, act as gas barrier, be biocompatible, form super light aerogels and foams, act as rheology modifiers. Nanocellulose can also be chemically functionalized for different purposes.
You will work in the Niittyloauml; group investigating wood biology (http://www.upsc.se/research/research-groups.html#article-id-4642) housed in the highly stimulating environment at Umeoaring; Plant Science Center (www.upsc.se) - a leading research institute in experimental plant biology with a friendly and international atmosphere. You will collaborate with another PhD student who will work in the Oksman group at the Luleoaring; Technical University investigating separation technologies, self-assembly, chemical modifications and development of nanocellulose composites (http://www.ltu.se/staff/k/krioks-1.13252?l=en). The PhD students are expected to work in close collaboration and seek synergies from the two disciplines ondash; wood biology and material science.
You will receive a unique combination of training in wood biology and material science, as well as scientific thinking and writing. This can lead to exciting future employment opportunities within academia, or the emerging green industries refining biomass to new sustainable products.
You will be employed as a PhD student for 4 years. The positions will benefit from a collaboration with the Prof. Isogai group at the University of Tokyo, Japan, Dr Liimatainen at University of Oulu in Finland and close interaction with the Swedish strategic research effort Bio4Energy (www.bio4energy.se) which includes leading research environments at Umeoaring; University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Luleoaring; University of Technology, Innventia and the industry cluster Processum in oOuml;rnskoouml;ldvik. This will give you access to an interdisciplinary network, where you are exposed to research along the whole value chain from wood to a product.

Kvalifikationer: Degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, polymer chemistry, materials science and knowledge of carbohydrate polymer chemistry. Interest or knowledge of molecular biology, genetics or biochemistry is a merit and good English is a requirement. In addition you have an enthusiastic can-do attitude and an enquiring and creative mind.


  • Arbetsplats: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet Uppsala
  • 1 plats
  • 6 månader eller längre
  • Heltid
  • Månatlig löneutbetalning
  • Heltidsanställning. Anställning som doktorand i 4 år. (SLU är en arbetsplats där mångfald och jämn könsfördelning eftersträvas.)
  • Publicerat: 21 september 2016

Liknande jobb

20 december 2024

20 december 2024