1 doktorand i Genetics, specialization in epigenet


Interplay between stress and epigenetic reprogramming

Project description
This project aims to analyze the epigenetic reprogramming of plant genomes (Arabidopsis thaliana and other model systems) under biotic and abiotic stresses and to exploit this knowledge to generate tools for plant breeding.

Research environment
The successful applicant will work in the research group of German Martinez at the Department of Plant Biology and Forest Genetics at the SLU, Uppsala. The department offers a creative and stimulating international environment, and is one of six departments that make up the new cluster olsquo;Uppsala BioCenterorsquo; at SLU. The research group and the department contribute to internationally recognized basic and applied science in plant biology.

Kvalifikationer: Higher university degree in biology/molecular biology/ genetics (Degree of Master or Master of Science) with emphasis on molecular genetics, plant physiology, and developmental biology. Documented experience in lab work in molecular biology is highly valued. The selection will be based on the written application, CV, diploma/exam work, personal references, good knowledge in English and an interview.


  • Arbetsplats: Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet
  • 1 plats
  • 6 månader eller längre
  • Heltid
  • Månatlig löneutbetalning
  • Heltidsanställning. Anställning som doktorand i 4 år. (SLU är en arbetsplats där mångfald och jämn könsfördelning eftersträvas.)
  • Publicerat: 9 augusti 2016

Liknande jobb

20 december 2024

20 december 2024