Assistant Professor in Experimental PlantBiology


Umeå University - with its 29,000 students and over 4,000 employees - is an organisation in constant change and development.The university's researchers carry out excellence within several areas of research, and many of them are among the world's elite.We are one of Sweden's largest providers of education and offer a broad and attractive range of courses and programmes.Our campus constitutes an inspiring environment for everyone that studies and works here.We wish to co-operate with companies and organisations throughout the Umeå region and all over the world.Assistant Professor in Experimental Plant Biology Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) is Sweden's largest research unit within experimental plant biology.It is founded on a close collaboration between the Department of Plant Physiology, Umeå University and the Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, The Swedish Agricultural University.Scientists from both departments are located in the same building on campus where more than 170 people, including more than 30 group leaders, are working on research topics ranging from ecophysiology to biochemistry, molecular biology and bioinformatics.Most of the research has an emphasis on questions related to energy metabolism, abiotic and biotic stress responses or plant development.The centre is well equipped with special technical platforms for functional genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, microscopy and a transgenic growth facility.The appointed Assistant Professor should have a strong experimental background in a field of plant science that complements the research streams within UPSC experience in plant molecular/cell biology or plant biochemistry is desirable.The successful candidate is expected to develop an independent research program and will only have a limited amount of teaching on higher-level courses.Emphasis will be placed on the scientific excellence of the applicant and on the scientific merit of the research plan.The position is for four years.After evaluation of the past four years research there is a possibility for promotion to a position as teacher.The Faculty of Science and Technology encourages assistant professors to participate in teaching up to 20% of their working time.Such teaching participation qualifies for an extension of the position up to five years.Successful applicants can apply for start-up grants from the Faculty of Science and Technology to initiate research.For full documentation of the general rules covering such positions you are referred to Higher Education Ordinance (SFS 1993:100),chapter 4, section 10, should submit a curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates, statement of previous research achievements and teaching merits, a publication list and reprints numbered according to this list, a short research plan (maximum 4 pages), all in two copies.Note that in order to be considered, applications must include copies of the selected publications.Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format.


  • Arbetsplats: Umeå universitet
  • 1 plats
  • Heltid
  • Publicerat: 28 augusti 2008
  • Ansök senast: 6 oktober 2008

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