Biträdande universitetslektor i Industirellt arebetsintegrerat lärande

Biträdande universitetslektor i Industirellt arebetsintegrerat lärande


Högskolan Väst är Sveriges ledande högskola inom Arbetsintegrerat lärande (AIL) och har regeringens uppdrag att utveckla AIL. Genom AIL skapas kunskap i samverkan med andra och görs tillgänglig för fler. Högskolan bedriver utbildningar med AIL-inslag på grund- och avancerad nivå samt egen forskarutbildning inom AIL och produktionsteknik. AIL är även ett angeläget forskningsområde tillsammans med produktionsteknik och barn- och ungdomsvetenskap. I den nya satsningen Primus kombineras forskning inom teknik och lärande. Högskolan bedriver också forskning inom ett flertal andra områden.

Högskolan Väst har ett högt söktryck, rekryterar brett och en hög andel av studenterna etablerar sig på arbetsmarknaden. Högskolan finns centralt i Trollhättan och har 13 000 studenter och 700 anställda. Högskolan arbetar aktivt för en inkluderande arbetsmiljö med jämställda förhållanden och sätter värde på de kvaliteter som mångfald tillför verksamheten.

Associate senior lecturer in Industrial work-integrated learning with focus on HRM, competence development and life-long learning.

Subject area:
Industrial work-integrated learning (I-WIL) is a prioritized area within University West. I-WIL were created with aim of reflect the specific challenges and opportunities of the industry sector. I-WIL research are expected to further develop the WIL focus of the University West, regard to research and education. I-WIL is an interdisciplinary subject linked to reference disciplines such as organizational science, business administration, industrial engineering and management, production systems, pedagogy, sociology, media and communication science, work science and Work and Organisational Psychology.

In I-WIL we pay attention to research and education related to knowledge about methods, models and support techniques for the “new” workplaces that are being transformed, for instance under the wave of industry 4.0. Knowledge of how individuals and organizations can learn, collaborate, and make decisions becomes invaluable to efficiently perform in organizations of Industry 4.0 and Production 2030.

The associate senior lecturer's scientific work/Role description
Placement for the employment is at the Department of Social and behavioural studies. The task will consist of research (50%) as well as teaching (in the field of HRM, life-long learning, working environment or other related topics). An important part of the work is to engage in relationship-building activities of I-WIL within university West. You are also expected to become involved in existing industrial partnerships as well become engaged in developing new ones, actively be involved in and take responsibility for research applications and other activities to allocated external funding for research area of I-WIL, as well relevant research projects as well as manage student projects.

The research focus in the advertised position will be oriented towards HRM competence development and life-long learning with particular focus on the formation of new Swedish infrastructure to support competence development in the face of the ongoing industrial transformation. Sustainable development and the challenges of developing functional systems, methods, and strategies in addressing increasing and ever shifting demands for relevant competence and skills. This development has been further accentuated with the new LAS agreement of 2020, where social partners and public authority place the Job Security Councils as agents and commissioners of a new, emerging institutional framework designed to provide competence development, up-skilling, and re-skilling service to workers. The system is designed with the aim to increase opportunities for skills and competence development and is focused on the individual employees' needs and ambitions for strengthened adaptability and increased employability.

To be qualified for the position as an associated senior lecturer you need to have obtained a doctoral degree or achieved equivalent competence within industrial work-integrated learning or equivalent area. Applicants who have obtained a doctoral degree or achieved the equivalent competence in five years or less prior to the end of the application deadline will be given priority.

-  Excellent oral and written communications skills in English.

-  Good communication skills in Swedish and skill to teach in Swedish.

-  Necessary personal capabilities to fully carry out the duties of the appointment in collaboration with the rest of the group

The following skills will be considered meritorious:
When assessing skills, abilities consideration is given to the subject area of the employment, subject description and tasks described above.

-  Experience of planning, initiation, management and development of research applications and projects.

-  International contact areas and academic networks.

-  Administrative proficiency, as well as the ability to take responsibility for and undertake teaching in all levels as well as in postgraduate studies about the subject.

-  Degree of skill and experience in developing and leading university activities.

-  Proven ability to collaborate with colleagues and the surrounding community and to inform about research and development work.

-  Scientific skills in the subject field and the ability to develop research- and educational activities in collaboration with colleagues

Assessment criteria
Special importance will be given to scientific skills in the subject filed and the ability to develop research- and education activities in collaboration with colleagues and the surrounding society. In addition, pedagogical skills in the subject field will be assessed. When assessing skills, abilities considerations is given to the subject area of the employment, subject description and tasks described above.        

Terms of employment: 
The position can be held for a maximum of four years. It is expected that an associate senior lecturer applies for a promotion to a senior lecturer. If the candidate is deemed suitable and fulfils the criteria for promotion established by the faculty board, he/she shall be promoted to a senior lecturer. Such a promotion implies a permanent position as a senior lecturer.

For a complete version of the advert, please visit:

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Mariella Niemi, avdelningsledare
0520-223761, 0721-600161
Thomas Winman
0520-22 39 43
Emma Sorbring
Lena Garberg, avdelningsledare
Anna Henriksen, avdelningschef
0520-22 37 57
Lena Sjöberg, avdelningschef
0520-22 37 24
Lena Sjöberg
Sevtap Gurdal
Mikael Lorentzen, avdelningschef
0520-22 37 47
Emma Sorbring, Professor
0520-223712, mobil: +4673-397 50 03



Gustava Melins gata 2


Gustava Melins gata 2
Trollhättan, 46186

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