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Department of plastic & maxillofacial surgery
Med 8 600 anställda, ca 800 vårdplatser och omfattande öppenvård är Akademiska sjukhuset ett av Sveriges ledande universitetssjukhus. Förutom rollen som länssjukhus är Akademiska leverantör av högspecialiserad vård och betjänar två miljoner människor i Mellansverige.
Här på Akademiska sjukhuset tror vi att ärlighet varar längst. Så svart på vitt: Vi vet att tempot är högt och att vi är i behov av fler kollegor. De tjänster som vi erbjuder kräver mycket, men vi som arbetar här vet att jobbet också ger så mycket tillbaka. På Akademiska sjukhuset har du nära till specialistkunskap, forskning, utbildning och engagerade kollegor. Vi arbetar kontinuerligt med förbättring och utveckling, och strävar efter att vara en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats med gott ledarskap och flexibla arbetssätt.
Our Department
The department of plastic & maxillofacial surgery has a strong position at Uppsala university hospital, with close collaboration with multiple other specialties such as general surgery, orthopaedics, breast surgery and ENT. The department is in a substantial developmental phase both clinically and academically, and has over the last years expanded extensively within the role as the national referral center for burns and for craniofacial surgery, in addition to new areas of microsurgery such as lymphoedema and facial palsy.
The entire department has about 200 employees, of which plastic surgery doctors comprises of 12 consultants, 4 residents, 3 locum junior doctors and many national and international visitors. We are proud to run one of the most prestigious microsurgery fellowships since many years and we have a strong presence on the international plastic surgery scene, both clinically and academically. We are strongly motivated for research and education, and our department holds a lab for research in wound healing, bone regeneration and connective tissue regeneration as well as a lab for microsurgery training.
We are a strongly team-oritentated unit and run our patient care on a team-basis with several collaborations established with other specialties for both research and multidisciplinary clinical care. As a consultant plastic surgeon at Uppsala university hospital, you have the opportunity to become part of a world-leading plastic surgery unit, with highly supported professional development.
Your role
As a consultant plastic surgeon subspecialized in breast reconstruction, you will be offered the unique and exciting role to lead and develop the breast reconstructive service at our department. We have a close and well functioning collaboration with the breast surgeons, which we hope will continue to blossom.
Clinically, the position will for example entail devoted breastreconstruction clinics, MDT-clinics and oncoplastic clinics. Operatively, we perform a minimum of 2 breast reconstructive free flaps per week, but also implant based reconstructions. We have a structured breast reconstruction service with our own clinical photographer and our own specialist breastreconstruction contact nurse who for example holds regular patient-information meetings. As part of the mircrourgical team of the department you may also be involved in other complex flap reconstruction and emergency cases as well as contribute to the teaching of residents and other younger colleagues. There is a high opportunity for research.
Your qualifications
• Consulant plastic surgeon with an interest in breast reconstruction
• Fluent in English
• Microsurgical experience especially breastreconstruction
• Swedish speaking or motivation to learn Swedish
• Experience of leadership rolls
• Experience of teaching rolls
• Fellowship in breast reconstruction
• Previous publications and active research
• PhD Degree
We can offer you a temporary part - or full time employment, with the possibility for extension.
If applicant meets the hospital’s formal requirements for a consultancy position there are such possibilities. The applicant’s specialist medical training must meet the requirements set by National Board of Health and Welfare, for detailed information please visit www.socialstyrelsen.se (http://www.socialstyrelsen.se).
For more information
Read more about our activities at https://www.akademiska.se/for-vardgivare/sektioner/plastikkirurgi/
Head of Division Andres Rodriguez +46- 072 732 65 33
Medical chief of staff Maria Mani +46- 73 867 04 75
Welcome with your application that you send via the link below.
Attach all documents that reinforce the eligibility requirements with your application.
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Denna rekrytering sker helt genom Region Uppsalas försorg. Vi undanber oss därför telefonsamtal från rekryteringsföretag och annonsförsäljare.