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Örebro University is currently offering research study opportunities on the doctoral programme in Computer Science. For the successful candidate, the programme will conclude with the award of the Degree of Doctor Philosophy in Computer Science. The start date of the programme is in the autumn of 2020.
The PhD student will be affiliated with the research Centre for Applied Autonomous Sensor Systems (AASS, http://www.oru.se/aass), which carries out multi-disciplinary research at the intersection of robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer vision, computer science, and measurement technology.
Örebro University is a modern and prominent broad-based university with the courage to review and the ability to evolve. Our professional degree programmes are among the best in the country and we endeavor to be an attractive place of work where members of staff feel a sense of pride and satisfaction. 1,500 employees and 17,000 students come to work and study at Örebro University.
The project will investigate how to develop systems that learn and reason in an artificial intelligence and autonomous systems context. While there has been a lot of progress on both machine learning and machine reasoning, their integration remains a key open challenge in artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. The distinction between learning and reasoning is related to the differences between fast and slow thinking, between data-driven and knowledge-based approaches, and between symbolic versus subsymbolic representations. The project will build upon probabilistic (logic) programming and neuro-symbolic computation, which are different paradigms for integrating learning and reasoning. The former integrates logical and probabilistic graphical models, the later logical and neural approaches. The goal of the project is to develop probabilistic programming and neuro-symbolic approaches and systems, and apply them to autonomous sensor systems. Research in this project will be performed in close collaboration with a second PhD student and post-doc(s) at Örebro University.
The project is part of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), Sweden’s largest ever individual research program, and a major national initiative for strategically basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The vision of WASP is excellent research and competence in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software for the benefit of Swedish industry. For more information about the research and other activities conducted within WASP please visit: http://wasp-sweden.org/.
The PhD students will belong to the graduate school within WASP, which is dedicated to provide the skills needed to analyze, develop, and contribute to the interdisciplinary area of AI, autonomous systems and software. The curriculum provides the foundations, perspectives, and state-of-the-art knowledge in the different disciplines taught by leading researchers in the field. Through an ambitious program with research visits, partner universities, and visiting lecturers, the graduate school actively supports forming a strong multi-disciplinary and international professional network between PhD-students, researchers and industry. For more information on the graduate program within WASP, read more at https://wasp-sweden.org/graduate-school/.
Online information
Information on admission to the programme, application form, the general syllabus for the subject, the Regulations Handbook, and other information can be found on Örebro University’s webpage for research student information: www.oru.se. You can find information about ”How to apply for admission to doctoral studies” below.
For more information on the programme and the post, please contact Luc De Raedt (luc.de-raedt@oru.se) or Prof. Lars Karlsson +46 19 303355 (lars.Karlsson@oru.se).
Örebro University actively pursues an equal work environment and values the qualities that diversity adds to our operations.
The programme
The successful candidate is offered a place on the research study programme concluding with the Degree of Doctor . The programme comprises 240 credits, which corresponds to four years of full-time study. Extensions to the study period are granted for instance to compensate for any sick leave and parental leave.
Information on programme content and organisation can be found in the general syllabus for the subject.
Doctoral studentships
The position is offered as a full-time doctoral studentship for the duration of the study programme. Duties such as teaching, administration and research other than the student’s own thesis project may be included, however with no more than 20 per cent of a full-time post. To compensate for time spent on such duties, extensions to the programme length and funding period will be granted. More information on doctoral studentships, part-time studies and part-time doctoral studentships can be found in the Regulations Handbook. The initial salary for a doctoral studentship is 26 900 SEK per month.
Entry requirements, selection, and application
For the full advertisement and application, visit: https://www.oru.se/english/working-at-orebro-university/jobs-and-vacancies/
Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget
Jen Scheffel
0733 43 40 38
Chefsjuksköterska Ulrika Ehrström
070-167 14 52
Liv Hedström
Ulrika Holmgren
Torbjörn Fröjd, arbetsledare
Lars Lantz, enhetschef
Chefsjuksköterska Nina Markholm Nordgren
073-966 18 97
Vårdförbundet Clary Marqvardt
08-517 720 93
Verksamhetschef Marianne van Rooijen
073-966 08 63
ST-chef Sofie Graner
070-684 92 39