Full time healthcare

Full time healthcare


Jobbify är en jobbplattform för vassa kandidater.
För kunds räkning har vi publicerat denna annons, vill du komma i kontakt med den slutgiltiga arbetsgivaren kan du klicka dig vidare till annonsen:


About the job:

• Please understand that this profession is not a hospital, child care or an office job.

• To be a personal assistant you must first respect the injury of the clients body. Then support him with human basic routine such as toileting, bathing, dressing and getting in and out of bed/wheelchair. As well as daily physical training.

• You will learn the routines with help of your experienced working colleague. Lift machine is available. Transferring the body requires some physical lifting as well.

• I neeed assistant 24/7 but the schedule is supposed to be equal with fairness for the rest of the group.

• You will work different days of the week with a variety of day- and nightshift.

• Collective agreement (Kollektivavtal) is applied. It mostly means that salary for night, weekend and holiday shifts will be added.

A separate assistant room is available during rest/nightshift.

About me:

• I sit in wheelchair after a spinal cord injury 14 years ago. Possible to manage ONLY if the personal assistant shows will/interest to learn, communicate and improve daily. Please Google up what this injury is about.

• I have no pets, non smoker and NOT looking for a relationship like many candidates want to believe...

• The rest of my background is not essential. But yes, I am a human.


Most critical terms for assisting me during my daily normal activities is;

• Fluent in English language. It means proper thinking, listening and speaking.

• Take initiative and responsibility every day to make my disabled life easier.

Applicants outside of Stockholm will not be reqruited. Only properly written CV will be read.

If the applicant do not receive a response within 5 days then it means the reqruitment of candidates has been mooved forward...

Thank you in advance!

Artiklar i detta ämnet

  1. Sjukfrånvaror hos invandrade kvinnor


  • Arbetsplats: Meet a Groups kund
  • 1 plats
  • Tills vidare
  • Heltid
  • Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön
  • Publicerat: 28 juni 2024
  • Ansök senast: 3 juli 2024

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