IHGR is looking for teachers


Vår vision är att Göteborg ska vara en internationellt ledande
utbildnings- och kunskapsstad.

Utbildningsförvaltningen i Göteborg bedriver verksamhet inom kommunal
gymnasieskola, vuxenutbildning, yrkeshögskola, gymnasiesärskola, särvux,
studie- och yrkesvägledning, modersmål samt skolutveckling.

I vårt arbete har vi ett tydligt elevfokus som sätter kunskap och
färdigheter i ett sammanhang där inre motivation, medskapande och lust att
lära är
viktiga ingredienser. Vi arbetar utifrån alla människors lika värde och
rättigheter. Tillsammans skapar vi en arbetsmiljö där både elever och
medarbetare är delaktiga och verkar för varandras framgång.

We would like you to teach in one or more of the following subjects: Business and Management, Chemistry, Maths, Psychology, Theory of Knowledge, English, Swedish/Swedish as a second Language. All the subjects named above, except Swedish, will be taught in English for the Social Science, Natural Science and/or IB Diploma Programmes. The role of class mentor is included in the position. As a teacher at IHGR you will play your role in one of the programme teams where you will collaborate with colleagues. You will also cooperate with at least one subject team.

IHGR has around 300 students and more than 20 teachers. Our school is located in central Gothenburg, Molinsgatan 6. We offer the IB Diploma Programme as well as the Social Science and Natural Science Programmes, where the language of instruction is English. We have an international learning environment which challenges our students to grow together with English as their language of education together with teachers and classmates from different cultural backgrounds. Many of our ambitious and motivated students plan to continue to university and higher education in English speaking countries. For the school start of 2015 we have many students who have applied; our IB Diploma Programme has a selection process which includes an entrance exam in Mathematics and English.

We are looking for qualified teachers in the necessary subject areas along with documented evidence of competence in CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). For teaching in the subject Swedish a Teacher legitimation is required. Experience of teaching in English is a must.

Artiklar i detta ämnet

  1. Utbildningsmaterial för att skydda barns hörsel

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Marianne Persson
031-367 22 76
Ann Andersson

Helene Holmström

Irene Emanuelsson

Annika Andersson

Kerstin Härnqvist
031-367 11 61
Ulla Tolö Gustafsson
Helena Jernqvist
031-367 20 00
Suzanne Norman Berg
Elisabeth Wahl


  • Arbetsplats: Göteborgs stad, Utbildningsförvaltningen Göteborg
  • 3 platser
  • Tillsvidare
  • Deltid
  • Månadslön
  • Heltid / deltid. 50-100% Dagtid. Tillsvidareanställning, tillträde: 2015-08-10 .
  • Publicerat: 23 april 2015


40482 Göteborg


Göteborg, 40482

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