Lecturer: English Language and Linguistics


Lecturer: English Language and Linguistics, dnr (reference no.) 1132/22/2005

Job Description: The candidate appointed will be expected to teach English language including grammar, translation, vocabulary, and oral and written communication, as well as linguistics.Administrative duties may be required.The position may include the opportunity to conduct independent research, if funding is available.

Qualifications: The candidate should hold a Ph.D.in English, specializing in Linguistics, or hold equivalent academic qualifications and professional skills appropriate for the position.The candidate should have completed a course in university pedagogy or, in some other way, have acquired the relevant knowledge about teaching at university level.The candidate should have documented experience in university teaching.

If a candidate is qualified for a professorship, he/she should state in their application that they wish to be considered for a professorship.

Further, the following selection criteria, in order of importance, are applicable for this position:
" Documented experience of teaching at university level for several years within the areas stated above
" Proven research experience and pedagogical skills in English, particularly within the field of Linguistics
" Proven interest in, and experience of, interdisciplinary work including international, multidisciplinary, pedagogical and research projects
" Proven experience of thesis supervision
" Experience of course development both independently and as part of a team, and an interest in developing new teaching methods
" An ability to cooperate and work as a team
" Proven administrative ability.

Södertörns University College is an equal opportunity employer.Södertörns University College may apply affirmative action.Men are underrepresented in the Department of English, and therefore, male candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Application procedure

Instructions regarding the application and the documentation of pedagogical merits can be found on our website: http://www.sh.se/om högskolan/lediga jobb/anvisningar behörighetskrav.

The application should comprise your verified CV and doctoral degree certificates, a short description of teaching and research merits, an account of leadership and development experience relevant to this position, and a publication list with a specification of the ten academic works most relevant for this appointment.

Three copies of the application are required.Publications will be required at a later stage.

Please note that one copy of all documents will be kept by the college for a period of two years, in accordance with a directive from the National Archives.Published material submitted for review is excepted from this rule.


Liknande jobb

20 augusti 2010


21 augusti 2010

Specialist Applikationssäkerhet

21 augusti 2010

23 augusti 2010