馬爾默福音堂傳道人 Evangelist of Nordic Chinese Christian Church in Malmö, Sweden


Nordic Chinese Christian Church in Malmö
We are a member church of Nordic Chinese Christian Church. The Nordic Chinese Christian Church is formed by a number of the Chinese churches in Nordic including member churches in Oslo, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo and Helsinki, and fellowships in Bergen and Uppsala, with the purposes of demonstrating the unity in Christ in working together in God’s ministry; providing a spiritual home for the Nordic Chinese Christians for mutual fellowship; maintaining a united witness in having Jesus Christ as the Head of the Church; following His Great Commission to preach the Full Gospel; and nurturing the spiritual life of the believers.
For more details of NCCC in Malmö, please visit our webpage: https://malmo.nccc.se
傳道人/牧師100% 職位
Full time evangelist of the church
Primary Role
傳道人是蒙召受差遣的聖職人員,是神的僕人,應效法基督,負責引領和牧養教會,宣講和教導聖經,專心以祈禱傳道為事。The evangelist shall be, a person called by God to be a clergy, a servant of God, imitating Christ in leading and pastoring the church, preaching and teaching the Bible, dedicating to prayer and preaching.
傳道人應與執事會各同工配搭侍奉,尊重、接納教會整體行政事務的決定。The evangelist shall work with the deacon’s board in serving, respecting and accepting the church’s administrative decisions.
傳道人必須受過正規的神學訓練,應通過就職/委任禮,為福音堂受薪職位。The evangelist shall have proper theological training. After the inauguration ceremony will become a staff of the church.

具備耶穌基督的生命,愛神,愛護教會(群羊)並僕人心態 Devout Christian, loving God and the congregation with a servant attitude.
福音派聖經神學院畢業,神學碩士,有華人教會牧養經驗。 Graduate of an evangelical Bible seminary with a Master in Divinity degree, and has pastoral experience in a Chinese church.
30-50 歲,具備領導才幹,服侍技巧和良好人際關係 Age of 30-50, with good leadership, serving skills and interpersonal relationship.
能用普通話和廣東話講道,並能用英語/瑞典語交流。 Can preach in both Mandarin and Cantonese with the ability to communicate in English/Swedish.
Willing to commit to at least a 2-year term of service. 願意承諾至少 2 年的服務期限。

Preferable Criteria
有海外工作經驗Has overseas pastoral work experience.
有婚姻家庭輔導、以及門徒造就方面的屬靈恩賜 Has spiritual gifts in family/marital counselling and discipleship training

聯絡信息 Contact :
Contact person: 蒋辉 Steven Jiang


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