Machine Learning technician

Machine Learning technician


Machine Learning technician – ADAPT

Samordningsförbundet Centrala Östergötland are recruiting to the position Machine Learning Technician for the ADAPT project.
The position will be based at the offices of Samordningsförbundet Centrala Östergötland in
Linköping, Sweden. As machine learning technician you will be part of a large-scale international project on optimising personalised rehabilitation planning. The project, AI-guided Dynamic optimisAtion of Personalised Treatments (ADAPT), is a collaboration between several institutions and organisations from Sweden, Iceland, and the UK. The overall aim of ADAPT is to implement a real-world decision support tool for individualised rehabilitation paths with respect to maximising probability of a successful outcome.
The tool will utilise computational cognitive methods from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to provide predictions at each step, for every individual, through various rehabilitation facilities based on historical data. The tool will be continually, and automatically, updated as each individual makes their journey through rehabilitation so that experts can dynamically plan every treatment.
You will play a vital role in the development of ADAPT for rehab services in Sweden, working in partnership and with supervision from the research and design team in Stirling, and in collaboration with the team already using a component of ADAPT in Iceland. Occasional travel to Iceland and Scotland can be expected, as well as online collaborations and regular team meetings through video conferencing.
The data for ADAPT will come from our multidisciplinary rehabilitation system “The Bridge” or “Samordningsbron” which is an environment where people can get the support they need to get back into work or education, whatever that support may be. It is a collaboration between the healthcare, local authority, social security and employment services and is quite a unique environment with potential to help many people with varied and complex goals and needs.

- good academic background within computer science, software engineering, or equivalent
- experience of working in data science, with complex and/or big data
- advanced knowledge of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and/or related computational methods
- ability to work independently and take responsibility for their own work
- drive to learn more about machine learning and artificial intelligence and to apply their learning
- the ability to explain and share your knowledge with others
- able to work well in a multi-national team
- good standard of written and spoken English
- good standard of written and spoken Swedish
- good time management

- knowledge of how the Swedish welfare system works
- creative and with the ability to think freely and develop new ideas
- interested in research
- experience of working with sensitive data, such as health- and social care data
- working knowledge of operations research

Arbetstid/Varaktighet Schemalagd arbetstid.
Projektanställning 1 år med möjlighet till förlängning.

Think this role might be for you? Feel free to make contact and talk it over!
Contact person: Ruth Lund
Mobil: 0724-52 42 73

Samordningsförbund är statligt/kommunalt samt regionalt finansierade
organisationer. De finns till för att inom välfärds- och rehabiliteringsområdet
åstadkomma en effektiv samverkan mellan de fyra huvudmännen
Arbetsförmedlingen, Försäkringskassan, kommun och landsting/region. Förbunden
bedriver strukturövergripande metodutveckling, samt finansierar insatser på individnivå.
Detta för att underlätta för människor att bli delaktiga, självständiga och klara sin egen
försörjning. Läs vidare om oss på



Platensgatan 5A


Platensgatan 5A
Linköping, 58220

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