PhD Position - Electronic Circuits for Smart Intrabody Networks


Vid Linköpings universitet har vi för vana att tänka nytt. Att ständigt utmana oss själva har varit vår starkaste drivkraft sedan starten 1975. Om du också drivs av att söka svar bortom traditionerna och över ämnesgränserna hoppas vi att du vill söka arbete vid vårt universitet. Tillsammans kan vi hitta lösningar till samtidens utmaningar.

Institutionen för systemteknik (ISY) är central inom olika ingenjörsutbildningar både vad gäller baskunskaper och tillämpade kurser. Forskningen baseras främst på industriella behov och spänner från helt grundläggande frågor till mera applikationsnära frågor.

Linköping University

Hereby advertises a position as 

PhD Student in Integrated Circuits and Systems

Electronic Circuits for Smart Intrabody Networks

formally based at Department of Electrical Engineering

Research Enviroment

The research work will be performed at Division of Integrated Circuits and Systems ( which is an internationally recognized research group, with over 40 years of experience in design of advanced integrated circuits. The division has close collaboration with major semiconductor companies and academic research organizations worldwide.


The objective of the position is to perform research on and develop electronics for communication in and around the human body as well as interfaces to implantable sensors and actuators. New types of electronic circuits and system solutions making the components attractive for body-area networks and body-coupled communications will be developed. Examples are energy harvesting circuits, event-driven communication and autonomous signal processing. The components will be measured and evaluated in laboratories and the results will be published in international journals.

The research will be conducted within the BodyCom Lab framework and is financed by the Swedish Strategic Research fund (SSF), with partners like the Royal Institut of Technology, Acreo Swedish ICT, department of science and technology (ITN) and the department of clinical and experimental medicine (IKE).

As a PhD student you willprimaily devote yourselt tp your reserch. As a PhD student you are imited to work with education and administration up to 20 percent of full time.


General requirement: M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering.

Specific requirements: The applicant is expected to meet the following requirements:

Demonstrate a strong background knowledge and great interest in design of analog and digital integrated circuits.

Demonstrate a strong background in e.g. microcontroller programming

Have good knowledge and practical skills in board design, circuit design, circuit simulations, and circuit layout, using professional computer aided circuit design tools.

Have strong communication skills and good knowledge in English is a requirement. Good knowledge in Swedish is not a formal requirement but it will be considered as an additional merit.

Union representatives
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For more information

Linköpings universitet ska fortsätta att utvecklas som en attraktiv och kreativ arbetsplats som präglas av lika villkor och arbetar därför aktivt för jämställdhet och mångfald.

Välkommen med din ansökan!

Linköpings universitet har upphandlade avtal och undanber oss direktkontakt från bemannings- och rekryteringsföretag samt försäljare av platsannonser.


  • Arbetsplats: Linköpings Universitet
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • The salary for PhD students is based on the department´s salary scale.
  • Heltid/ Ej specificerat
  • Publicerat: 8 november 2016

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