PhD position in Bioenergy technology


Bioenergy technology - different aspects of the Biogas process

Situated at Linnaeus University; School of Energy Technology, Faculty of Technology

Research Environment
The research group carries out research in different subjects concerning bioenergy such as biogas production, wastewater treatment and gasification. Currently the group consists of 15 employees. The group has a broad regional, national and international contact net.

Linnaeus University has adapted a strategy for achieving equal conditions for all its employees, and students within the university´s fields of activity, which means e.g. a uniform gender distribution within the professional staff.

Description of the position
The research project is a part of the larger project Seaweeds for a biobased society (SEAFARM) which is financed by Formas.  Linnaeus University is one of the partners in this project.  The work will be performed in collaboration with the other project participants The Royal Institute of Technology (project leader) , Chalmers, Gothenburg University and Lund University.  The work performed at Linnaeus University deals with evaluation and optimization of biogas production from macro algae before and after different treatment steps performed to extract different chemicals from the algae. The work is performed under supervision of Associate Professor Ulrika Welander.

General entry requirements

A person meets the general entry requirements for third-cycle courses and study programmes if he or she:

- has been awarded a second-cycle qualification-

-has satisfied the requirements for courses comprising at least 240 credits of which at least 60 credits were awarded in the second-cycle, or

- has acquired substantially equivalent knowledge in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

The higher education institution may permit an exemption from the general entry requirements for an individual applicant, if there are special grounds. Ordinance (2010:1064).

Assessment criteria/Qualifications
The successful candidate has excellent analytical skills, is a committed researcher with a drive for excellence; she or he is a team player, but can also work independently. Prior research experience concerning biogas production in pilot scale is a significant plus. Special weight is given to the applicant’s ability to benefit from the education and to contribute to an attractive interdisciplinary research environment and to perform research in cooperation with researchers from other disciplines, industry and public actors.

Terms of employment
The vacancy is a fully funded full-time appointment four years with the objective to obtain a PhD.

Please apply by clicking on the "Apply" button at the bottom of the ad. Your application should be designed according to the Template for application which can be found in the Guide to Appointment procedures under attachments on the right. The credentials you invoke must be verified with certification and they must be attached digitally in your application. Other documents, including various types of scientific works, must be submitted digitally along with the application. The application and other documents to be marked with the reference number. All documents cited must be received by the University no later than 24.00 on the closing day.

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

ErikÅstedt, Personalkonsult
UlrikaWelander, Professor
Lena Larsson, Prefekt
0480-44 67 11
Helena Birath, Personalkonsult
0480-44 73 81
Erik Elheim, Personalkonsult

Bärbel Westphal, Prefekt

Linda Reneland Forsman, Prefekt
Joakim  Krantz, Studierektor för forskarutbildningen
Karolina Österdahl, Personalkonsult
Peter Karlsudd, Professor


  • Arbetsplats: Linnéuniversitetet Växjö
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Dag , Heltid , Tidsbegränsad anställning
  • Publicerat: 1 april 2014


Universitetsplatsen 1


Box 451
Växjö, 35106

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