PhD student in Applied Sensor Science


På Linköpings universitet tror vi på utbyte. Av kunskap, erfarenhet och idéer – på en arbetsplats där samverkan mellan fakulteter och institutioner är grunden i vad vi gör. Vi är innovatörer och utbildare, och vi skapar gränslösa möjligheter. I vår verklighet behövs din fantasi, kreativitet och kompetens.

Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi (IFM) bedriver grundutbildning, forskarutbildning och forskning inom teknisk fakultet. Totalt har institutionen över 400 anställda och en omsättning på ca 420 miljoner kronor per år. Institutionen består av fem spännande och samverkande vetenskapliga områden; Biologi, Kemi, Materialfysik, Tillämpad fysik samt Teori och modellering.



The Ph. D. position daily work is mainly devoted to research related activities within the field of sensor science. The Ph. D. project makes up part of a larger project for which the final aim is the development of semiconductor based gas sensors and electronic devices/ circuits applicable in high temperature high pressure ambient conditions, with applications such as space exploration, e.g. the planet of Venus, and the exploration of some of the earth’s inner parts in mind. To be more specific, the research part of the Ph. D. project is centred on the study of materials related to the sensor development and their properties in the interaction with other materials and the ambient, especially at temperatures above 450°C. In addition to the research related activities the Ph. D. student is expected to contribute to the teaching of courses at undergraduate level, both at courses run by the division and courses given by the department. Furthermore, the Ph. D. student is also expected to take responsibility for her/ his own education in the research field through the active participation in courses (demands on minimum 60 course credits apply), seminars, and workshops as well as national and international conferences.


The applicant is at the time of application expected to have successfully graduated from a study programme within the fields of Physics, Technology or Chemistry at master level. A background in material physics, materials chemistry and/or semiconductor physics will be considered meritorious for the applicant.


Starting date




According to present rates at the university.


Union representatives
For contact with union representatives see:  


For more information

Contact Mike Andersson / Anita Lloyd Spetz, ( / ),

phone +46 (0)723 – 28 23 27 / +46 (0) 13-28 17 10.

The application, including CV, graduation certificate, transcript of courses and grades as well as references should be received at the latest 17th of June, 2014.


(By mail to:

Linköping University
Monica Sahlberg
SE-581 83 Linköping


Applications received after the date above will not be considered.

Linköpings universitet ska fortsätta att utvecklas som en attraktiv och kreativ arbetsplats som präglas av lika villkor och arbetar därför aktivt för jämställdhet och mångfald.


  • Arbetsplats: Linköpings Universitet LINKÖPING
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • According to present rates at the University.
  • Heltid/ Ej specificerat
  • Publicerat: 2 juni 2014

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