
På Linköpings universitet har vi för vana att tänka nytt. Att ständigt utmana oss själva har varit vår starkaste drivkraft sedan starten 1975. Om du också drivs av att söka svar bortom traditionerna och över ämnesgränserna erbjuder vi dig arbete på vårt universitet. Tillsammans kan vi hitta lösningar till samtidens utmaningar. Välkommen.

Institutionen för systemteknik (ISY) är central inom olika ingenjörsutbildningar både vad gäller baskunskaper och tillämpade kurser. Forskningen baseras främst på industriella behov och spänner från helt grundläggande frågor till mera applikationsnära frågor.

Hereby advertises a position as

PhD student in Automatic Control
formally based at Department of Electrical Enginering

TRAX is a EU Marie Curie project, wich stimulates mobility. It is a requirement that the applicant has not lived in Sweden for more than half a year during the past three years to be eligible for funding. It is also a requirement that the MSc degree is not older than three years. For questions about formal rules of eligibility, please contact the department. The research in TRAX is concerned with localization in radio networks, and the applicant is presumed to have deep knowledge in statistical signal processing and knowledge about communication systems.
As a PhD student you will primarily devote yourselv to your research. As a PhD student you are limited devoted to work with education and administration up to 20 percent of full time.

Qualified to PhD studentships are only those who are or have been admitted to graduate studies.

Appointment time
The appointment will be until further notice for a maximum of one year at a time. A doctoral student may not be employed during a period not exceeding eight years. The total time of appointment must no exceed the equivalent of four years´ full time research training.

Starting date 
By agreement.

The salary for PhD students is based on the department’s salary scale.The commencing salary for a graduate student is at present 27 400 SEK.

Union representatives
For contact with union representatives see  

Application procedure
Apply for the position by clicking the “Apply” button below. Your application must be received at latest 2014-07-10.

Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.


Linköpings universitet ska fortsätta att utvecklas som en attraktiv och kreativ arbetsplats som präglas av lika villkor och arbetar därför aktivt för jämställdhet och mångfald.


  • Arbetsplats: Linköpings Universitet LINKÖPING
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • Lön enligt avtal.
  • Heltid/ Ej specificerat
  • Publicerat: 27 juni 2014

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