Post-doctoral researcher in Material Physics


Karlstads universitet präglas av aktiv samverkan med det omgivande samhället i kombination med akademisk excellens. Karlstads universitet har cirka 16 000 studerande och drygt 1 200 anställda.

Ett demokratiskt synsätt, jämställdhet och mångfald är grunden för vår verksamhet. Vi strävar efter en mångfald av bakgrunder och kompetenser som berikar verksamheten.

Faculty of Health, Science and Technology invites applications for a
Post-doctoral researcher in Material Physics

A post-doc position is available in the Department of Engineering and Physics at Karlstad University in Sweden for a research project on polymer solar cells.

The postdoctoral researcher will belong to the by Karlstad University designated strong research group INTERACT, whose focus area is molecular interactions. The materials physics group has research activities in surface structures, nano-materials and molecular semiconductors. The research on molecular materials for polymer photovoltaics at Karlstad University has been renowned nationally through research grants from the Swedish Research Council, Energy Council and the Göran Gustafsson Foundation. The research group participates also in a COST Action network StableNextSol, with more than 60 international collaborators.

Description of the research
The research group works with thin films consisting of conjugated polymers and fullerene derivatives that constitute the active layer of the solar cell. The films are made ??from solution by various coating processes (such as spin coating, dip coating, and also printing). The coating process is crucial for the layer morphology. The research of the group aims at investigating how the structural and electronic properties of the film affect the solar cell performance and stability. The main methods that are used in this research work are equipment for fabrication and electrical characterization of the devices, such current-voltage measurements and photocurrent spectroscopy, as well as characterization techniques such as scanning probe microscopy (AFM), electron microscopy (TEM), absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS), photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, NEXAFS) and X-ray based microscopy (STXM).

Description of the tasks
The main responsibility of the postdoctoral researcher is to participate in the research projects on polymer solar cells. The postdoctoral researcher will also participate in building up of equipment for the evaluation of recombination of charge carriers. Also participation in other related research projects can be included in the tasks. Most of the experimental work will be carried out at Karlstad University, even though specific tasks may be done at laboratories we cooperate with in or outside Sweden.

The post-doc position is full time for 12 months, with start earliest 1 July 2014 or by agreement. Extension of the position is subject of external funding and the position can not exceed a total length of two years.

Requirements and Criteria
The applicant has a doctoral degree in Physics, Engineering Physics, Materials Science or in another for this project relevant discipline, obtained not earlier than three years before the deadline for application, i.e. 1 June 2011. In case special circumstances apply (for instance illness, parental leave) a PhD degree obtained earlier can be accepted. Experience in organic device fabrication and in methods for characterization is a strong requirement. Relevant practical experience in solution chemistry, synchrotron-based methods, and semiconductor electronics are assets. A positive attitude, good interpersonal skills and excellent written and oral communication skills are essential characteristics. All applicants must have a very good command of English. The selection is made on the basis of individual assessment.

Your application can be submitted no later than 1 June 2014, electronically to NetRecruiter. A link to MyNetwork can be found on the website Staff Vacancies:

Applications should contain the following documents:

Personal letter with a presentation of yourself and motivation of your application.

- Curriculum vitae
- Copies of diploma(s) of your academic degree(s)
- List of passed courses mentioning grades and examination date
- List of publications
- Statement of other merits, experience and qualifications
- Contact details to two reference persons or recommendation letters
- Other documents the applicant wants to refer to.

More information
Professor Ellen Moons, e-mail:

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Prefekt Helena Håkansson
054-700 1000, e-post:
Proprefekt Stefan Frodeson
054-700 1000, e-post:
Thomas Bragefors, SACO
054-700 1714
Barbro Berglund, OFR
054-700 2438
Helena Olsson, OFR
054-700 2612
Reine Lundin, prefekt
054-700 1000
Anna Brunström, professor
+46 54 700 1795
Andreas Kassler, professor
+46 54 700 2168
Prefekt Kjell Magnusson
054-700 1000
Proprefekt Monika Jakobsson
054-700 1000



651 88 Universitetsgatan 2


Universitetsgatan 2
Karlstad, 65188

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