Postdoc Position- Satellite Atmospheric Science


Postdoc Position in Satellite Atmospheric Science for two years

The Satellite Atmospheric Science (SAT) group at the Department of Space Science (IRV) is looking for a Postdoc. The IRV is a department of Luleå Technical University, located at the Space Campus in Kiruna, Sweden. We work in close collaboration with the other two big space and environment research institutions in Kiruna, IRF and ESRANGE.

The group focuses on three research areas:

1. Radiative Transfer. Together with Chalmers University, we maintain and extend the Atmospheric Radiative Transfer Simulator (ARTS), a public domain program developed and used by groups all over Europe. ARTS can simulate the propagation of thermal radiation in the atmosphere, including the effects of atmospheric absorption and scattering.

2. Humidity and Cloud Research. We use available satellite data (from meteorological and research satellites) to study the hydrological cycle in the upper troposphere and the climatology of humidity and clouds. A focus in the past has been on passive microwave sensors, such as the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit B, but we plan to increase the use of other available data, for example from the USA-train of satellites, or from Envisat.

3. Development of New Satellite Sensors. We work on new satellite sensor concepts, particularly in the context of future missions of the European Space Agency (ESA). One important project is the further development of a satellite sensor to study ice clouds in the sub-millimeterwave spectral range, along the lines of the CIWSIR (Cloud Ice Water Sub-millimeter Imaging Radiometer) mission proposal. This is expected to include the work with aircraft prototypes. It is the science definition and data analysis algorithm development that we work on, not the sensor hardware.

We are looking for a Postdoc with research interests and qualifications in one or more of the above areas. To apply, you should have a good or excellent PhD in a relevant area, and a strong publication record. Furthermore, you should have good English skills and good computer skills, including some programming experience. Swedish skills will be considered an additional bonus. You should be capable of independent, original, and creative research
work, but at the same time be a good team player. The position will be for an initial two years, with the possibility of extending it for another two years. We offer an open and friendly work environment with a strong focus on research. More information about the group can be found on our website .

Candidates with good programming skills and an interest in radiative transfer model and retrieval algorithm development will have priority. Female candidates will also have priority, since we are aiming to increase the fraction of women in the group. We value diversity, so candidates belonging to minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.


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Examensarbete inom rymdteknik

Examensarbete inom rymdteknik

30 september 2024