Postdoctor in Surface Physics and Chemistry


Vid Linköpings universitet har vi för vana att tänka nytt. Att ständigt utmana oss själva har varit vår starkaste drivkraft sedan starten 1975. Om du också drivs av att söka svar bortom traditionerna och över ämnesgränserna erbjuder vi dig arbete på vårt universitet. Tillsammans kan vi hitta lösningar till samtidens utmaningar.

Institutionen för fysik, kemi och biologi (IFM) bedriver såväl grundutbildning som forskning och forskarutbildning. Forskning är den dominerande verksamheten och den sker ofta i samverkan med företag och internationella partners. Vi är en av universitetets äldsta, mest välkända och största institutioner och omfattar fem samverkande vetenskapliga områden: biologi, kemi, materialfysik, tillämpad fysik samt teori och modellering.
Läs mer:

Hereby advertises a position as

Postdoctor in Organic polymer / inorganic nanoparticle hybrid light-emitting devices
formally based at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM)

A Postdoc will essentially carry out research. The position may also involve teaching, but during no more than a fifth of work time.

We seek a postdoctoral researcher to perform (primarily) experimental work towards increasing the optical output of polymer light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) using nano-scale particles.  This work will be performed as part of a larger interdisciplinary project (“Designed nanoparticles by pulsed plasma”).  This project will involve considerable laboratory work, including the manufacture and testing of hybrid polymer/nanoparticle LECs, time-resolved photoluminescence and electroluminescence studies, materials analysis, and study of the electronic transfer mechanisms between the materials being studied.  This project will be performed in close collaboration with one of the world’s leading research groups in LECs at Umeå University, and a world-leading plasma physics group here at IFM.

The position requires a doctorate or an equivalent degree from a foreign university. The doctorate shall have been obtained no longer than three years before the expiration date of the application.

The successful candidate will hold a PhD in Physics, Physical Chemistry, Materials Science or Engineering, Electronics, Electrical Engineering, or a related field.

Documented skills and previous experience working with spectroscopy, electroluminescence, photoluminescence, polymer chemistry, nanoelectronics, device physics, and/or polymer electronics will be considered a merit.

Appointment time
A Postdoc is appointed until further notice, but for no longer than two years. The appointment can be renewed if there are special reasons.

Starting date 
By agreement, prefereably May or June 2015.

The University applies individual salary scales adapted to the experience of the employee and to the labour market.

Union representatives
For contact with union representatives see  

Application procedure
Apply for the position by clicking the “Apply” button below. Your application must be received at latest April 3, 2015.

Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.

Linköpings universitet ska fortsätta att utvecklas som en attraktiv och kreativ arbetsplats som präglas av lika villkor och arbetar därför aktivt för jämställdhet och mångfald.

Välkommen med din ansökan!


  • Arbetsplats: Linköpings Universitet LINKÖPING
  • 1 plats
  • Tillsvidare
  • Heltid
  • The University applies individual salary scales.
  • Heltid/ Ej specificerat
  • Publicerat: 25 februari 2015

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