Professor in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics


Karlstads universitet präglas av aktiv samverkan med det omgivande samhället i kombination med akademisk excellens. Karlstads universitet har cirka 16 000 studerande och drygt 1 200 anställda.

Ett demokratiskt synsätt, jämställdhet och mångfald är grunden för vår verksamhet. Vi strävar efter en mångfald av bakgrunder och kompetenser som berikar verksamheten.


The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Karlstad University has a research and teaching staff of more than 60 persons, including one full professor in Mathematics and four full professors in Computer Science. The research in Mathematics at the department is conducted within Mathematics/Applied Mathematics and Mathematics education. In Mathematics/Applied Mathematics the research is conducted in Kinetic theory and applications, Mathematical analysis, Number theory and Error correcting codes. The announced position is intended to complement and strengthen current research in Mathematics/Applied Mathematics and the successful applicant is expected to be able to collaborate with researchers of the existing research fields as well as with other researchers outside Mathematics.

The position is a full time tenure appointment and involves research, supervision of master and PhD students, and teaching. The holder of the position is expected to carry out and manage research of high international standard. He or she is also expected to actively participate in research applications for external funding. The holder of the position is further expected to participate in curricula development, teaching, supervision, and examination within educational programs on undergraduate level as well as on research level. He or she is expected to teach and supervise partly in Swedish within two years. Karlstad University will supply adequate training to make this possible.

Qualification requirements
A person who has shown both academic and teaching skills is qualified for appointment as a professor. The position requires excellent cooperative skills.

Assessment grounds
Equal emphasis will be given to the assessment of teaching and scientific skills. The applicant must have sufficient experience of teaching university courses in English or/and in Swedish. Special emphasis will also be given to the ability to attract external funding.

Terms of employment
This is a full-time permanent employment with starting date at the earliest convenience.

Application should be sent digitally and include the following items:

- Letter of application
- List of qualifications (CV) with references
- Account of pedagogical qualifications
- Account of academic qualifications
- Account of administrative and additional qualifications
- Future plans (max one A4 page)
- List of publications (specify your contributions to co-authored works)
- Copies of certificates, references and degrees
- Publications, maximum of ten academic publications and maximum of five works designed to convey knowledge such as text books, edcationel software, or popular articles.

More information on the application is avalilable in "applications guidelines for the appointment/promotion of teaching staff" at

Application with reference number REK2014/30 should me made electronically via the University's web-based recruitment tool MyNetwork. Documents that cannot be sent eloctronically, such as books, publications, software, should be deliverede int three copies to:
Karlstad University
Human Resources Office
SE-651 88 Karlstad, SWEDEN

Last application date 15th of May, 2014.

Karlstad University has chosen advertising channels for this recruitment and decline any contact with advertising or recruitment agencies.

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Prefekt Helena Håkansson
054-700 1000, e-post:
Proprefekt Stefan Frodeson
054-700 1000, e-post:
Thomas Bragefors, SACO
054-700 1714
Barbro Berglund, OFR
054-700 2438
Helena Olsson, OFR
054-700 2612
Reine Lundin, prefekt
054-700 1000
Anna Brunström, professor
+46 54 700 1795
Andreas Kassler, professor
+46 54 700 2168
Prefekt Kjell Magnusson
054-700 1000
Proprefekt Monika Jakobsson
054-700 1000



651 88 Universitetsgatan 2


Universitetsgatan 2
Karlstad, 65188

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