Researcher,  Machine Learning

Researcher, Machine Learning


“Our School and research environment is in a very exciting and expansive phase.

It is a large research environment with a strong international character. The goal is to be a nationally leading environment within, among other things, applied AI” – Magnus Clarin, Dean of the School of Information Technology.

Halmstad University

Halmstad University prepares people for the future by creating values, driving innovation and developing society. Since the beginning in 1983, the University has been characterised as forward-thinking and cross-border. Today, the University has around 600 employees and 11,000 students. The range of education is wide and the research is internationally renowned. Halmstad University actively participates in social development through collaboration with both industry and the public sector. More information about working at Halmstad University:

The School of Information Technology

Halmstad University consists of four interdisciplinary Schools and the current position is located at the School of Information Technology (ITE). ITE is a multicultural school with around 130 employees from 20 different countries. It is a strong research and education environment, with focus on smart technology and its applications. Students and researchers are working with everything from AI and information driven care to autonomous vehicles, social robotics and digital design. ITE offers education on all levels, from undergraduate to PhD education, plus education for professional. The research is conducted within the research environment Embedded and Intelligent Systems (EIS). An innovation centre for information driven care called Leap for Life is connected to ITE, as well as a collaboration arena for electronic development, Electronics Centre in Halmstad (ECH).

More information about the School of Information Technology:

More information about the research environment Embedded and Intelligent Systems:


This position is a one year postion and requires a combination of many different skills.

The recruited person will be expected to teach up to 20% and do research at least 80%, within one or several scientific projects. Research activities will depend on competences and interests, but are expected to build upon our existing portfolio.

The CAISR+ project focuses on aware systems research and autonomous knowledge creation. By this we mean research on the design of systems that, as autonomously as possible, can construct knowledge from real life data created through the interaction between a system and its environment. Such systems should be able to handle events that are unknown at the time of design. One research question addresses machine activity recognition and representation learning using streaming data. The same type of machine will not be used in exactly the same way in two locations (i.e. a high level of intraclass variability), there is an expected high inter-class similarity (some operations look very similar), there is a high amount of uninteresting data (e.g. “other” is a very common activity), and there is high class imbalance. Another research question concerns survivability analysis for complex machines with different components. The core challenge in this area is censoring, i.e., incomplete information about failures. We will address it using proxy events and using transfer learning.


- The applicant must hold a doctoral degree in Artificial Intelligence/Data Mining/Machine Learning/Information Technology or related fields.
- The applicant needs to demonstrate a strong research profile in the fields related to topics of interest for CAISR research environment, including recent activities with high impact.
- The scientific production is expected to be published in high-quality, peer-reviewed research journals and conferences.
-Documented experience from innovation, research and development in an industrial environment is also a strong merit.
-The applicant should share the value that diversity and equality among researchers and teachers brings higher quality to research and education.
-Experience in teaching on advanced level in higher education.
- Pedagogical training in teaching in higher education.

The person applying for this position also needs to have:

- Ability to conduct research of high international quality in artificial intelligence, specifically data mining and machine learning
- Documented experience from research in collaboration with industrial partners and/or interdisciplinary teams
- Ability to conduct high-quality teaching and to develop courses at different levels
- Experience in supervision of master / PhD students
- Ability to attract external funding
- Dynamism, curiosity, independence, creativity and good teamwork
- Willingness to address opportunities and challenges within AI, machine learning and data mining

Salary is to be determined by negotiation. The application should include a statement of the salary level required by the candidate.

Applications should be sent via Halmstad University's recruitment system Varbi (see link on this page).

The application package shall consist of:
1) a cover letter stating the purpose of the application and a brief statement of why you believe that your goals are well-matched with the goals of this position, together with a description of future research plans

2) a CV that includes at least
- a list of previous degrees, with dates and institutions
- a complete list of publications with 2-3 most relevant ones for this position marked
- a description of previous research and other work experience and links to online copies of the most important publications

3) contact information for at least three references.

For further information, please contact Stefan Byttner( or head of school Magnus Clarin (


General Information:

We value the qualities that gender balance and diversity bring to our organisation. We therefore welcome applicants with different backgrounds, gender, functionality and, not least, life experience.


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