Researcher marine chemical ecology/ metabolomics


Two researchers in marine ecology at the Department of Marine Ecology

The Department of Marine Ecology ( has 90 employees working at three beautifully situated sites; the Botany House near the Botanic Garden in the city of Gothenburg, and at two marine research stations (Kristineberg and Tjärnö) on the west coast of Sweden.The department produces internationally recognized basic and applied research.The current research positions are positioned at Marine Ecology-Tjärnö.
These research positions are affiliated to the Linnaeus centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology (CeMEB) at University of Gothenburg ( is a multidisciplinary centre spanning activities at three departments of the faculty.The Centre is financially supported by a long-term (maximum 10 years) grant from the Swedish research councils (VR and Formas).
The centre joins about 50 researchers and research students performing basic science research in marine evolutionary biology with focus on mechanisms and processes of rapid evolution, local adaptation and speciation from genome level to population level.The genera in focus for CeMEB at the moment are among others Littorina, Fucus, Idotea, Balanus, Pomatoschistus, Amphiura and Debaryomyces.

Position 2
Researcher in marine chemical ecology and metabolomics.

Direction of research
This position in marine ecology is focused on the chemical ecology and metabolomics of marine organisms, primarily macrophytes.The research includes a combination of field and laboratory experiments and advanced chemical analyses, where modern chromato-graphic techniques and mass spectrometry are key tools.The work includes supervision of master and PhD students.
Required education
PhD in biology with a focus on marine chemical ecology.

Most important qualifications are experience and training in experimental marine ecolo-gy, including scuba diving, and advanced chemical analyses of marine natural products, including metabolomic analyses.The successful applicant has a high level of integrity in research planning and performance, including writing of scientific publications.Experien-ce in supervision and outreach within the field of the position adds strength to the applica-tion

The application should include; a full CV including a list of publications, description of supervision, teaching and popular science, a statement of research interests (including organisms) and earlier performance (including methods and type of problems addressed), contact details to two referees for consultation and copies of up to 5 scientific publications.



Box 460

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