Specialist in pharmaceutical manufacturing (assignment)


Specialist in pharmaceutical manufacturing (assignment)
We are a small company engaged in retail import and export vis-à-vis third countries for certain medicines. We are now looking for a specialist in pharmaceutical manufacturing for a small assignment.
You need to be able to have a degree certificate or other certificates showing formal qualitifications obtained following higher education. The higher education should include at least four years theoretical and practical studies within one or several of the following scientific areas: pharmacy, medicine, veterinary medicine, chemistry, technology or biology.
The degree certificate or other certificate should demonstratet hat the higher education includes theoretical and practical studies in the following subjects:
a) general and/or inorganic chemistry,
b) organic chemistry,
c) medicinal chemistry and/or medicinal analysis,
d) analytical chemistry,
e) physical chemistry and/or applied physics,
f) general and/or applied biochemistry,
g) physiology,
h) galenic pharmacy and/or pharmaceutical technology,
i) pharmacology and toxicology,
j) microbiology and
k) pharmacognosy.
You must have at least two years of professional experience from one or more companies that hold a license to manufacture pharmaceuticals. The professional experience must have been obtained from the part of the business that includes production or laboratory activities and include work with quality assurance or quality control in these areas.
We look forward to your application!


  • Arbetsplats: Bayne Emma
  • 1 plats
  • Rörlig ackords- eller provisionslön
  • Publicerat: 5 november 2024
  • Ansök senast: 30 november 2024

Liknande jobb

3 februari 2025