Syddansk universitet - Professorships


Syddansk universitet - Assistant/Associate Professorships and Full Professorships at The Department of Border Region Studies (IFG) The department is situated in the beautiful premises at Alsion on the shore facing Snderborg and the island of Als.From here there is only 30 minutes by car to the Danish-German border, only 35 minutes by plane to Copenhagen.Hamburg, Kiel, Århus and Odense can be reached by car within 1 - 2 hours.Snderborg has a rich cultural life and is surrounded by pretty landscapes inviting for recreational activities.The Department of Border Region Studies (IFG) is rooted in the unique history of the Southern Danish border region.At the same time, the department has a close relationship with the business community and the cultural institutions of the region.The comparative aspect including other (border) regions in Europe is particularly strong within the regional studies and within the border region studies.Due to a strong focus on comparative aspects the department has developed a broad international research network within Europe.In addition, the department has a special obligation to carrying out research relating to the German minority in Southern Jutland.The IFG has four research priority groups: 1) Business-to-Business Relations & Supply Chain Management; 2) User-Driven Innovation (SPIRE); Regional Economics and the Spatial Dimension of Economics, and 4) People and Society in Border Regions.Research results disseminate in English, Danish and German in monographs, in national as well as international peer reviewed journals, and to the general public in the regional and national printed and digital media.People and Society in Border Regions The People and Society in border regions priority group researches the consequences of European history, integration and globalisation as reflected in European border regions.The approach is interdisciplinary, and the aim is to contribute with results and new knowledge within this internationally recognised field of research.The priority area also contributes to developing European Studies by furthering awareness of and by providing the possibility to acquire insights into new knowledge and new values that shape working lives, leisure time, and society as a whole in a Europeanised and globalised world.Presently, expertise to be found in the People and Society in Border Regions research priority group is in the areas of anthropology, ethnology, cultural sociology, history, human rights, legal sociology, political philosophy, and sociolinguistics.Other disciplines of relevance are welcomed. Current vacancies at the Department of Border Region Studies (IFG): * Assistant Professorships in Border Regions Studies * Assistant Professorships in International Business-to-Business Relations and Supply Chain Management * Assistant Professorships in Regional Economics and the Spatial Dimension of Economics * Associate Professorships in Border Regions Studies * Associate Professorships in Regional Economics and the Spatial Dimension of Economics * Professor with special duties in International HRM or International Economics

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Sarah Stjernberg
HR-assistant Sarah Stjernberg
HR-assistant Sarah Stjernberg


  • Arbetsplats: HR NORTH SWEDEN AB
  • 7 platser
  • Heltid
  • Publicerat: 2 september 2009
  • Ansök senast: 6 oktober 2009





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