Teacher of Chemistry and Mathematics


Stockholm växer som aldrig förr. Våra ambitioner är höga. Nu söker vi dig som vill vara med och forma morgondagens Stockholm.

Kungsholmens gymnasium/Stockholms musikgymnasium is a popular inner-city school with highly motivated students.

Our school vision is "Education and Culture for an Active Influence in a Globalised World". This is something we endeavour to work towards and our students are active within the Student Union and within the many clubs and associations in the school ranging from the Debating Society to the Fika föreningen.


We have a vacancy for a teacher of Chemistry and Mathematics within our International Section. All work within the International Section is conducted in English.

Job Description

The job advertised includes teaching Chemistry 1 and Chemistry 2 on the Natural Science programme and teaching of mathematics Courses within the Natural Science programme and Social Science programmes.


You must have a University degree in Chemistry or Chemistry and Mathematics.

You should also have a teaching qualification and be certified to teach in Sweden by Skolverket.


You will also be a mentor for a Group of students and will be the link between school and the parents for those students.

You should also be able to communicate in Swedish.

Stockholms stad arbetar med kompetenbaserad rekrytering som syftar till att se till varje persons kompetens och därmed motverka diskriminering.

Inför rekryteringsarbetet har vi tagit ställning till rekryteringskanaler och marknadsföring. Vi undanber oss därför kontakt med mediesäljare, rekryteringssajter och liknande.

Artiklar i detta ämnet

  1. Utbildningsmaterial för att skydda barns hörsel

Kontaktpersoner på detta företaget

Rektor Lennart Kågestam

HR-konsult Eva Åsander
08-508 11 519
Enhetschef, Ekonomienheten Gunilla Axenbo

HR-konsult Eliana Hjelm
08-508 117 23
HR-konsult Gunilla Dahl
08-508 117 38
Tf enhetschef Oskar Sevefjord

Per Hedlund-Andersson
Per Hansson
076-120 37 02
Maja Velasco
076-120 37 03
Jessica Forsberg



Hantverkargatan 2F 10422 Stockholm


Box 22049
Stockholm, 10422

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