Three postdoctoral fellowships


The Nonlinear Physics/Plasma Physics Group is part of the Department of Physics, Umeå University, Sweden.The group conducts internationally renowned research on a wide range of topics, such as plasma waves, space physics, plasma astrophysics, collective quantum effects, and nonlinear water waves (see, the group has an extensive collaborative network with international laboratories and groups. Umeå University, in northern Sweden, is a dynamic university with ca.4,200 employees and more than 28,000 students, of which 1,300 are in PhD programs.The Department of Physics at Umeå University has about 80 members with 30 PhD students (for more information see the department's homepage: postdoctoral fellowships in nonlinear quantum electrodynamics and quantum plasmas The successful candidates will participate in ongoing research concerning theory and experiment on collective quantum effects.In particular, the postdocs will be involved in research on a. Experimental development of methods for detection of quantum vacuum effects, such as elastic photon-photon scattering.This study will be done in close collaboration with researchers at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and experimental designs will be adapted to the Astra-Gemini Laser.The fellowship is funded by the Kempe Foundation for one+one year. b. Theory development, in possible conjunction with numerical investigations, in close collaboration with the above experimental development.Design studies, particle scattering, interference effects, nonlinear photon generation, etc.will be part of the study, which will be of importance for future European laser infrastructure science cases.The fellowship is funded by the Kempe Foundation for one+one year. c. Theory and modelling of collective effects that will come into play in state-of-the-art laser systems, for example ultra-high intensity laser-plasma interactions.In particular, quantum plasma effects and detection thereof will be of interest.The fellowship is funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundations for one year, and is intended for persons that are not Swedish citizens.The possibility of extending the fellowship to a second year is determined by the Wenner-Gren Foundations. The post doc positions are planned to start in early 2007.Through the existing research network, the candidates will be offered ample opportunities to interact with other research groups and to develop their own research speciality. Candidates should have a PhD exam.Applications should include description of past research accomplishments including a list of publications, curriculum vitae, up to 10 relevant publications, a research plan, and the names of three references, all in 3 copies. Applications will be discarded or, if the applicant so wishes, returned two years after the position has been filled.Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format.


  • Arbetsplats: Umeå universitet
  • 3 platser
  • Heltid
  • Publicerat: 21 december 2006
  • Ansök senast: 15 februari 2007

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21 augusti 2010

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23 augusti 2010