Two PhD-positions


Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, Sweden Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Environmental studies söker Two PhD-positions At our department we are working with questions within the fields of ecology, conservation, and aquaculture, and are also engaged in the university's program on environmental monitoring. The department has 7 professors, 25-30 ass./ assoc. professors, and approx. 20 Ph.D. students. We are now looking for two new Ph.D students to start during the spring 2007 Position 1: Behaviour differences within and between fish populations - natural selection or previous experience? (ref 393/07) Individuals of the same species can show different behaviour patterns (defined as personality or coping styles). Differences in aggression, response to danger, and social interactions, have been found within and between populations of many animals. The goal of this project is to study and to explain the development of different behaviour patterns in the Eurasian perch, and to see how this is connected with different factors, such as natural environment and individual experience, growth capacity, and physiological stress responses. The investigations will be carried out with aquarium experiments, field sampling and in semi-natural ponds. Position 2: Genetically modified trees: consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem processes (ref 394/07) Although, the techniques for making GM plants is now well developed, research on the ecological implications of the use of GM plants on a larger scale has not yet developed at the same rate. The aim with this project is to address the very important but rarely explored questions on how the use of GM trees might influence biodiversity and ecosystem processes. The communities of arthropods on GM and un-modified poplars will be studied in short and long term field trials. Furthermore, decomposition processes will be compared in GM and non GM trees. The project will provide vital data that can be used in current development of GM trees and for future political decisions on the use of transgenic trees. Required qualifications general: Applicants for the Ph.D. position should have at least a BSc in Forestry, Biology or comparable. The student will be enrolled in the Ph.D. programme and is expected to fulfil course requirements and perform certain administrative functions. The position is full time and lasts for 48 months and the holder of the position is expected to achieve a Ph.D. degree. Required qualifications position 1: Documented experience of scientific work on behaviour and/or in the aquatic environment is valuable but not necessary. Required qualifications position 2: Documented experience of scientific work on plant-animal interactions, chemical ecology or conservation biology and knowledge on insect ecology is valuable but not necessary. For a complete advt:


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20 augusti 2010


21 augusti 2010

Specialist Applikationssäkerhet

21 augusti 2010

23 augusti 2010